Monday, November 4, 2013

Folsom Weekend 2013: Day 1

September 27th, 2013

This afternoon I left work and hopped into the car with Cockpit and we made our way to the airport, one enjoyable flight later and we were on the BART with a Polish man who was in town the same time as the event.  He was confused as to why people were asking him if he was going to "the event", and he had answered he was, but he had meant his conference.  He was confused up until Cockpit explained to him what "the event" was.  His reaction was very amusing.

Once at the hotel we enjoyed dinner at Tokyo Express, went up to the room, and soon after were introduced to the young man who would be staying with us, the incredibly adorable Pup Alex.  This slim, beautiful young man with smooth skin, and a body I would almost ceremoniously romance and then tear apart with savage lust was going to be staying in our room, and in my bed the whole weekend.  Special thanks goes to Wolf who invited him out from Oregon for Folsom.  Good puppy!

I then dressed and went out to join Wolf and Spike for a night at the new San Francisco Eagle.  Spike had seriously buffed up since I saw him last, and is still as hilariously witty, sassy, and irresistibly handsome as ever before.  The idea of him wrapping his huge, muscled arms around me makes me melt, and even giddy.  He really has to pry me off with a crowbar when I attach myself to his leg.

The SF Eagle's simple exterior hid a very roomy bar inside, slammed with hot men in gear and close to nude, as well as an incredibly spacious back yard with several tents put up, all slammed with leathermen!  I found Tyler and Neil, the erotic hypnotists, and finally met up with a Daddy, whom I'll refer to as Hunter Green.  We had some great conversation really getting to know each other, he brings out my boy side very well and I enjoyed it a lot. He has a very caring and protective air.

Sadly the night had only just started when I was told it was time to go, it seemed we were only there for an hour or so when I had to leave.  I was dropped off at the room and on my way up I checked my texts, Brue told me that I would be sleeping in his bed tonight.  "Not a chance!" I thought, "I have the beautiful pup Alex to romance all night! He's in my bed, lest we forget!" However, once I entered and eventually found that Cockpit had cuddled up with pup Alex in their hoods and fast asleep, it was so adorable and I understood what the message meant.  I couldn't bear the thought of separating them.  I crawled into bed with Brue and the first night of Folsom weekend came to a close.

Play Safe Dear Reader.

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